
Lehramt Informatik, ein Unterrichtsfach mit Zukunft!

Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen für Studierende.


Wenn Sie Beratungsbedarf bzgl. eines Lehramtsstudiengangs der Informatik haben, prüfen Sie bitte zuerst, ob sich Ihr Anliegen bereits mittels der Studienberatungswebseiten zur Informatik klären lässt. Falls nein, nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt zum Lehrstuhl auf und schildern Sie ihr Anliegen.

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Hier finden Sie das Lehrveranstaltungsangebot des aktuellen und vergangener sowie gegen Ende des aktuellen einen Ausblick auf das nächste Semester.

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In diesem Bereich finden Sie Informationen zu aktuell angebotenen Themen für Bachelor-, Master- und Staatsexamensarbeiten, in Berarbeitung befindliche Themen sowie zu abgeschlossenen Arbeiten.

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Prüfungsordnungen und Modulhandbücher

Die Prüfungsordnungen und das Modulhandbuch legen die Prüfungsbedingungen und die Inhalte des Studiums fest.


Für alle Fragen rund ums Studium

Koordinator der Studiengänge

Prof. Dr. Torsten Brinda




+49 201 18-37248


torsten.brinda (at) uni-due.de 

Fachstudienberatung für Studierende im BA/MA

Fatma Batur, StR'




+49 201 18-36722


fatma.batur (at) uni-due.de


Information about courses and theses in the area of Informatics education 

  • Curriculum:
    Here you will find information on all courses offered by the chair differentiated according to the different teaching degree programs in Informatics. Check here if you would like to know in which compulsory or elective areas of your studies, you have to or can bring in Informatics education courses.
  • Courses (information available in German language only):
    Here you will find the courses offered at the current and past and towards the end of the current an outlook for the next semester.
  • Theses:
    In this section you will find information on currently available topics for bachelor-, master- and state exam theses, theses in progress as well as on completed theses.

Note: Please take note that all courses are currently offered in German language only. Theses may be written in German or in English language. Students of Computer Science or Business Information Systems, who would like to attend a seminar in Informatics education or who would like to write a Bachelor or Master thesis are kindly requested to inform our chair up front.

Information on the teaching degree programs in Informatics

If you need information about the various teaching degree programs in Informatics offered at the University of Duisburg-Essen, please visit the Informatics entry (information available in German language only) of the teaching degree wiki of the centre for teacher education of the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Study advice for the teaching degree programs in Informatics

If you need counseling regarding a teaching degree program in Informatics, please first check whether your request can already be cleared with the help of the student advisory websites  (information available in German language only) for the teaching degree programs in Informatics. If not, please contact the chair and describe your request.

Latest information on courses and teacher training

Please note that we will send the latest information about courses and the teaching degree programs by e-mail. New students are automatically assigned an e-mail address of the pattern <first name>.<last name@stud.uni-due.de at registration for a study program. Make sure you read e-mails to this address regularly and attentive.

You are going to complete your studies soon?

We recommend you to register to our mailing list for Informatics teachers so that you will occasionally receive future valuable information from us. You may unsubscribe from this list at any time.